DeepRock People’s Virtual Hearing on Proposal for Ohio River Valley — August 27th

by Duane Nichols on August 26, 2020

Sign up for virtual hearing to protect the Ohio River valley

Advocate for the Ohio River at a People’s Hearing on August 27th

From the Newsletter of the Concerned Ohio River Residents, August 24, 2020

In the new edition of our Ohio River newsletter, we are sharing an opportunity to advocate for the Ohio River at a “People’s Hearing” this week. The hearing is regarding the oil & gas waste barge terminal proposed for Marietta, Ohio. Also within this new edition: an update on the PTTGC cracker, CORR’s editorial in response to the Dept. of Energy visit to the cracker plant site, a recap of our virtual community meeting regarding the Mountaineer NGL storage facility (including a video recording you can watch), and other exciting updates.

Advocate for the Ohio River at a People’s Hearing

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ public hearing on August 7th was a sham. They silenced residents’ concerns about DeepRock accepting radioactive oil and gas waste shipped on the Ohio River. Many people attempted to participate in the hearing, yet it was the most confusing, poorly publicized, and improperly managed of all hearings that many of us have attended. They rudely cut people off after 2 minutes of allocated speaking time and provided very poor instructions on how the meeting would be conducted. Furthermore, it was held at 5 p.m. on a Friday: a terrible time for a public meeting.

The information they provided about the actual “public meeting” was so inconsistent and inaccurate that we are left wondering whether they were intentionally trying to mislead the public so that we could not effectively communicate our significant concerns. The River is the drinking water source of five million people. Radioactive oil and gas waste would threaten many of us. Because the meeting was so terrible, we are holding our own this Thursday, August 27th from 6-8 pm.

Register to attend the DeepRock People’s Virtual Hearing today:

Important: The People’s Hearing will be recorded and sent as official comment to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District. It will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. We will post links on the homepage of our website when we know where the livestream will take place. The recording will also be posted to the Concerned Ohio River Residents YouTube channel.

Click here to read some background information in case you aren’t aware of this project. There were 3 such projects proposed for the Ohio River in April during stay-at-home orders. Sign this petition to tell the U.S. Army Corps and U.S. Coast Guard to prohibit radioactive oil and gas waste on our Ohio River.


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