WVSORO Says Orphaned Oil & Gas Wells Need to be Plugged

by Duane Nichols on November 11, 2019

Orphan well in West Virginia

Orphaned Wells: The Widespread Problem and the Potential Solutions

From WVSORO, Orphan Well Study, Charleston, WV, October 10, 2019

The West Virginia Surface Owners Rights Organization (WVSORO) believes that the most widespread property rights and pollution issue in West Virginia is orphaned oil and gas wells. There are 4,500 already on property owners across the State. We predict another 10,000 in 30 years. The Legislature needs to take action.

WVSORO has created a report explaining the problem of orphaned wells, and that the West Virginia legislature needs to enact legislation to plug existing orphaned, unplugged oil and gas wells, AND to enact legislation to prevent more wells from being orphaned!

Even the West Virginia State Journal recognized the problem with a front page story and an editorial.

Contact your legislators and tell them to fix the orphaned well problem!


One of 4500 orphan wells in WV

See also: The West Virginia Legislature needs to enact legislation, To plug existing orphaned, unplugged oil and gas wells, AND To enact legislation to prevent more wells from being orphaned!

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