Action Alert: Save Our State Parks From Logging

by Duane Nichols on January 19, 2018

Access roads & land disturbances are real problems

WV Governor Wants to Open WV State Parks for Commercial Logging

From the WV Rivers Coalition, January 16, 2018

A bill to allow commercial logging in West Virginia’s State Parks, Senate Bill 270, was introduced in the WV Legislature at the request of Governor Justice. This bill would end an 80-year ban on logging in West Virginia’s State Parks. Contact the Governor now, tell him you oppose lifting the logging ban!

Send a Letter

The bill is an ill-conceived plan to log our parks, presented as a way to pay for park maintenance — but it risks destroying the Wild & Wonderful places we love.

Take action now! ASAP send the Governor a letter. After you’ve sent your letter, amplify your voice by calling the Governor’s Office at 304-558-2000 and share your concerns about logging our state parks.

For more information, check out the Save Our State Parks webpage, and email

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Karen Yarnell February 1, 2018 at 1:27 am

Dear Friends,

Senate Bill 270 and HB 4182 would lift an 80-year ban on commercial logging in West Virginia’s State Parks and are now up for consideration by the West Virginia Legislature.

These bills change the purpose of WV state parks from preservation and open the door for commercial logging, cutting up to one half of the trees in an acre, with an overall average of four trees per acre per tract. Logging roads will be built that fragment the forest, bad for nesting songbirds and disrupting the solitude of the mature forest.

Contact your legislators and tell them that West Virginia’s State Parks are important to you and you oppose opening them to commercial logging.

Governor Justice and supporters of SB 270 and HB 4182 say the bills are necessary to pay for State Park maintenance, and that logging is good for forest health and wildlife viewing. Forest health, wildlife, clean water, and recreation are not mentioned in the bills. State parks need additional funding, but we can find a better way. Stand up for your State Parks!

Karen Yarnell
WV Wilderness Chair
Sierra Club WV Chapter


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