November 1 – 7: “Beyond Extreme Energy” Rally in Washington, DC

by Duane Nichols on October 31, 2014

BXE Rally in DC: November 1 - 7

Beyond Extreme Energy: People Taking Action to Retire Fossil Fuels, Nov. 1 – 7 in Washington, D.C.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issues permits for pipelines, compressor stations and export terminals. That means more deep shale extraction activities in our communities, which means more contaminated well water, more tainted streams, more sickening air emissions, more plummeting property values, more low-level radioactive waste in landfills…

Even as communities across the nation have risen up to fight pipelines, gas storage under lakes, compressor stations and fracked-gas export plants in our backyards, FERC has remained unmoved, unresponsive and unaccountable. FERC has answered only to the fossil fuel industry, rubber-stamping almost every project.

In the face of increasing threats to our health, communities, democracy, property values, environment and climate, people from across the nation will gather in Washington, D.C. next week to stop FERC’s business-as-usual and to deliver a list of demands.

Nov. 1 – 7: Beyond Extreme Energy: People Taking Action to Retire Fossil Fuels

Join the Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE) action — sign up here. Click here for details on each day’s actions, as well as information on trainings, lodging, food and more. If you need a ride or can share a ride, check out this rideboard. (Signing into ridebuzz is quick and painless.) If you are coming to the action, get your story told (meme it!) with this BXE story submission form.

Even if you can’t come out, please support BXE on social media with the hashtags: #FERCdoesntwork, #Fracking. Also, please consider making a donation for this week of action. And, spread the word.

>>>>>> Call to Action

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