Trapped Methane in the Arctic Threatens our Atmosphere, Part 2

by Duane Nichols on August 5, 2014

Blow Hole named "Dragon's Mouth in Arctic Region of Russia over 70 yards wide. See Part 3 tomorrow.

CLIMATE CHANGE: The Giant Methane Monster Is Lurking, Part 2

From an Article by Thom Hartmann,, July 7, 2014

Researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks International Arctic Research Center have found that Arctic methane is leaking out from the ocean floor nearly twice as fast as was previously thought. The researchers found that the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is releasing at least 17 million tons of methane into the atmosphere each year.

Natalia Shakhova, one of the lead researchers on the study, said methane releases from the Arctic seafloor are, “now on par with the methane being released from the arctic tundra, which is considered to be one of the major sources of methane in the Northern Hemisphere.”

To put this in perspective, just seven years ago, estimates suggested that only 500,000 tons of methane were being released into Earth’s atmosphere each year. Now we’re measuring 17 million tons of it. Just in the Arctic.

Now, we can’t directly stop Arctic sea ice from melting and releasing methane into the atmosphere, but we can help stop what’s contributing to that melting in the first place: fossil fuel extraction and usage.

Every day, the fossil fuel industry extracts more and more fossil fuels from the ground, releasing tons and tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That carbon dioxide warms our atmosphere, which hastens the melting of Arctic sea ice, and the release of even more dangerous methane into our atmosphere.

We need to be keeping the remaining methane right where it is, buried deep under a thick sheet of ice. And a great way to accomplish that goal is by introducing a carbon tax.

Putting a price on the amount of carbon that the fossil fuel industry takes out of the ground would encourage less fossil fuel extraction, and more reliance on clean and green energy. With a carbon tax, fossil fuels would become more expensive than renewables.

For every day that America’s fossil fuel industry pumps carbon pollution into our skies, our environment is deteriorating quicker, more and more Arctic sea ice is melting, and climate change and global warming are speeding up.

We have a chance right now to keep the giant methane monster that’s lurking under the Arctic Ocean right where it is, and save our planet in the process.

The time for a carbon tax in America is now!

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Deborah Stout-Meininger May 31, 2016 at 7:00 pm

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)…THE FACTS!
PLEASE!!!…CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is not an air pollutant or “climate changing green house gas” like Methane and does NOT destroy the OZONE LAYER…IT IS A LIFE ESSENTIAL GAS needed by plants to produce our oxygen…and we have a shortage of it in our atmosphere! Does ANYONE remember Junior High or HIGH SCHOOL Science, Botany, or Biology?
…CO (Carbon MONOXIDE) is a LETHAL pollutant, with its associated carbon particles, is 85% of the combustion process of Fossil Fuels (oil and coal) and Plant materials (timber and vegetation)and created in created in MASSIVE volumes by Wildfires and Volcanoes !
… Natural Gas is called a “clean fuel” only due to its combustion process being more “complete” (up to 98%) producing CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and almost no CO (Carbon Monoxide) or Soot/Smoke (Carbon Particles) produce by “incomplete combustion”.
…Yes , even our Government Agencies and their associated “Scientific Experts” can and do create massive informational “FUBARS” and perpetuate the errors to infinity.
Please be part of the solution.
Help clean up the informational pollution.
Deborah Stout-Meininger Community Advocate , Citizen Scientist 5/30/16
PS… Green Energy should not be new source of Toxins and Health Hazards
…Wind Turbines are a Ponzie Scheme that do not produce 1 kilowatt of usable electricity (its called “non-dispatchable dirty electricity”) that produce stray voltage (in the soil as well as above the Turbines), and sonic weapons levels of Infrasound (deadly to humans, animals, birds , aquatic life and destroys entire eco-systems).
…The Companies that build and own the Wind Turbine Farms receive hundreds of billions of our Federal Tax Dollars (cash to them) to “produce (dirty) electricity” and then millions of dollars to sell the “Energy Credits” (paper contracts to fulfill Federally Mandated “Renewable Energy Percentages”, NOT the actual electrical production which is “counted” then sent to “DC Dump Sites”.


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